December 6, 2016
A huge part of being a performing artist, whether as a DJ, singer, rapper or musician, is connecting with and interacting with your audience. You don’t have to do it all on your own; your band, background artists or fellow musicians all help with making you the center of attention. Why not use JammText as another supporting tool to help your fans see you as the star you are? (more…)
//php comments_template(); ?>December 1, 2016
Admit it: if you consider yourself a professional DJ, you’re most likely a music hoarder on some level. You have a ginormous stash of edits, remixes and transitions; you anxiously await New Music Friday on iTunes; or you scour Soundcloud daily during the week while you wait for New Music Friday. But for some reason, those and other popular outlets aren’t scratching that nagging itch you have for more music and tools for your regular sets. Enter digital music pools, the updated version of old school record pools. (more…)
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