Hearing Safety 101: Protect Your Ears When DJing

March 28, 2017


For most music-listening crowds, louder is always better. For DJs, loudness and increasing decibels can, ironically, be a silent kiss of death for your ears. As a DJ, your ears are your most valued resources. The question is: are you taking care of them as you should? Too often DJs focus on crowd satisfaction over their own hearing safety. That should change immediately. (more…)

Your Secret Weapon: Using JammText At Your DJ Gigs

March 16, 2017

jammtext text to screen software cover image

In a sea of DJs and those aspiring to be, it’s easy to get lost and looked over. Unfortunately, these days sometimes even being skilled at what you do isn’t enough to compete in this over-saturated market. Some believe you have to have a name or an “in” with certain circles. Those things might have merit, there is a surefire way to stand out in a crowd, regardless of the circumstances. You’ll need that extra “something” other DJs won’t offer. (more…)

Day in the Life of Mixcity – Abhishek

March 14, 2017

Take a look behind the scenes at Mixcity Inc with founder Abhishek Mistry.

Handy Energy Tips for Busy DJs

March 13, 2017

DJing can be one of the most challenging jobs out there. The hours are not always steady, and conditions can be unpredictable. One thing is for sure: each and every gig requires that you give it your all, and that can take a lot out of anyone! So with all that you must juggle as a DJ, how do you ensure that you have the energy level necessary to be at the top of your game? (more…)

Benefits of DJing That Actually Pay More Than Money

March 7, 2017

What is a DJ’s biggest aspiration? Some may say fame and worldwide notoriety; others may say the ultimate goal is to get top billing at the most well-known establishments. Probably most would mention wealth and financial stability as a primary goal. Money is a huge motivator, and those that work hard at their craft can see a lot of it. Ironically, though, there are some unspoken benefits of DJing that pay more than money, and most of those come more easily through unpaid opportunities. (more…)

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JammText interactive software

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About Mixcity Inc

Mixcity Inc was founded in 2008 with the mission of creating innovative software solutions and engagement tools for the working DJ. The team's first DJ product, KueIt, was groundbreaking when it was introduced years ago, and still remains an industry standard software solution to this day. Mixcity's latest innovation, JammText, is a revolutionary text to screen software solution that allows DJs to reach exciting new levels of crowd interaction and audience engagement.